Healing Arts is a global campaign by the Jameel Arts & Health Lab in collaboration with the World Health Organization

Frequently Asked Questions 


Taking Part in Healing Arts Scotland 


Why should my group or organisation take part? 

Healing Arts Scotland is the first nationwide event of its kind offering groups and organisations the opportunity to raise their profile and give a wider understanding of the vast healing arts work in Scotland for health officials, policymakers, researchers etc. Additionally, all HAS events will be promoted on the HAS website event listing page and the online interactive map.  

Through participation in the HAS programme, you will become part of the Healing Arts Scotland network. This will be an ongoing legacy to enable the sharing of knowledge and best practice across organisations. 


What publicity might my group expect? 

Your event will be featured on the Healing Arts Scotland website event listings and our online interactive map. The HAS programme will have a nationwide marketing, media and online promotional campaign. Healing Arts Scotland will provide you with the HAS logo to use on your own marketing. Please note that we cannot commit to promoting all individual events, and you should have your own plans in place to promote your event locally. 


If I submit a proposal to be a part of the Healing Arts Scotland Week, will I get any additional funding for the event? 

No. However, you will get additional promotion of your event on our website as well as the marketing and media campaign. 


What types of events will the Healing Arts Scotland programme be made up of? 

Healing Arts Scotland has a varied programme of events that align with our 4 themes: Loneliness & Isolation, Mental Health in Young People, Mental Health in Confined Spaces, Arts in Dementia.  

Examples of registered events include: silent disco, storytelling in green spaces, creative writing, circle dancing. 


My group hasn’t got a constitution but would like to take part. What should we do?   

If you are a group applying to be part of Healing Arts Scotland Week, you will need to be constituted.  This means that you have a written document, or ‘constitution’, setting out how your group will be run. A constitution includes details about what you do, who can join, how the group will manage its money etc. It does not need to be complicated, and there is lots of advice available: 

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations:  

https://scvo.scot/support/setting-up/writing-constitution?utm_s ource=scvo&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=search  
(tel. 0800 169 0022) 

If your group isn’t constituted, please contact Healing Arts Scotland in advance of submitting your registration form. You can email us at healingartsscotland@scottishballet.co.uk 


Can individual artists take part? 

Individual artists can apply as long as all the legal requirements are addressed. 


If our event is not open to the public, can we still take part? 

Yes. Healing Arts Scotland Week includes events that are open to the public, as well as events that are not open to visitors. All events will appear on the event listing page on our website. 


What kind of contract will I be asked to sign with Healing Arts Scotland? 

The contract will confirm the commitments that Healing Arts Scotland makes to you, as well as those that we ask you to make to Healing Arts Scotland. This includes fulfilling all the necessary legal obligations, and including the Healing Arts Scotland logo in all your print and online promotions that has not already been produced. 


Where can I find more information? 

Additional information about Healing Arts Scotland 2024 can be found on the Healing Arts Scotland website. For further information or questions about the programme please email healingartsscotland@scottishballet.co.uk 


Insurance, Licences, Other Guidelines 


What are the necessary licences/insurances that I need to have in place to ensure the safe and legal delivery of my activity? 

Depending on what you do you will need some of the following: 

  • Public Liability insurance 
  • Employers’ Liability insurance 
  • Public entertainment licence 
  • Copyrights for works to be performed, e.g. play or musical 
  • A licence for music played or performed called TheMusicLicence 
  • Data Protection registration, unless you are exempt 


More information and suggested contacts for further advice are below. Contact your local authority for details of local licensing requirements 



What is Public Liability insurance and why do I need it? 

Healing Arts Scotland requires all groups and organisations taking part in the festival to have Public Liability insurance in place for their event to a minimum level of £2 million. Public Liability insurance covers you for any damage to property or injury to individuals who attend your event. For example, if an audience member trips, falls and injures themself, this insurance will cover the costs of any compensation plus the legal fees. 


I am using a venue that does not belong to my organisation.  Does the venue need to have public liability insurance too? 

Yes, both your organisation and the venue should hold Public Liability insurance policies to a minimum level of £2 million. You should check that this is in place at the venue before the event. 


Do I need Employer’s Liability insurance? 

Employer’s Liability insurance covers you for any injury to people who are working on your event, including volunteers. If anyone is working for your group on the event, even in an unpaid role, you should ensure that you have Employer’s Liability insurance in place. 


Public Entertainment Licence 


What is a public entertainment licence? 

If your premises are used as a place of public entertainment, you must hold a public entertainment licence. If you are running an event in a venue that is owned or run by another individual or organisation, you should check that they have the appropriate licence(s) in place for your event.  


The terms of a Public Entertainment licence are limited, so if your event includes any special requirements, e.g. pyrotechnics, firearms, animals, late performance times, you should check these with the venue manager and ensure the local council is notified in case an inspection is required. 


My event is free. Will I need a public entertainment licence? 

Local authorities in Scotland can license free events if they wish, but there is no requirement for them to do so. Check with your local authority. 


How do I get a public entertainment licence? 

Contact your local authority for information on whether you need a public entertainment licence and how to apply. Applications may be subject to a fee and you should check the likely timescale of the process with your local authority to ensure licences are in place before your event. 




What is copyright and how do I get it? 

Copyright applies to all artforms and media, for example musical works, literary works, dramatic works, dance productions, visual art works, recordings, screenings and broadcasts.  If you will be performing or adapting a work that is under copyright, you must get permission from the artist, or from the artist’s agent or publisher and it is important that this permission is given in writing. 


The length of time a work remains under copyright varies depending on the artform/medium. It is up to you to find out your legal obligations and, if necessary, to pay the appropriate copyright fees. Fees can be charged in different ways, for example a flat rate or a percentage of ticket income. 


More information about copyright can be obtained from the Intellectual Property Office at 

https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/intellectual-property-copyright (tel. 0300 300 2000.) 


PRS and PPL – TheMusicLicence 


What is PRS? 

The Performing Right Society is the United Kingdom association of composers, songwriters and music publishers that collects royalties on behalf of its members whenever their music is played, performed, broadcast or reproduced. 


What is PPL? 

Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) is the copyright on a recording of music separate to the copyright on the musical work itself.  PPL is the UK record industry’s royalty collection body for the playing in public of a sound recording. 


What is TheMusicLicence? 

In February 2018, PPL and PRS for Music launched a joint venture between the two music licencing societies to streamline the process of obtaining a licence to play or perform music in public. 

Any show or event during Healing Arts Scotland Week that includes music of any kind may be liable to pay a licence fee. For more information visit www.pplprs.co.uk (tel. 0800 015 6451).  

If you are using a venue that is not your own, it may be that the venue will hold an appropriate licence, however it is your responsibility to check this. 

TheMusicLicence does not cover the performance of complete musical works like musicals or operas. If you intend to perform a complete musical work that is still in copyright, you will need a licence from the composer/lyricist or the publisher. See the information on copyright above. 


Data Protection Requirements 


What is data protection and does it affect me? 

If you handle personal information about individuals – for example if your audience members give you their personal details (e.g. address and phone number) when you sell them a ticket –you have a number of legal obligations to protect that information under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018. 


From 25 May 2018, the Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018 requires every organisation which processes personal information to pay a data protection fee to the ICO, unless they are exempt. More information, including the criteria for exemption, is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office, www.ico.org.uk.