Healing Arts is a global campaign by the Jameel Arts & Health Lab in collaboration with the World Health Organization

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Creative Journey with the Elements

20 August 2024 St.Margaret’s House, 151 London Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH7 6AE

This event invites you to discover your creative potential and deepen your connection with the elements and mother nature.

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Through intuitive arts, guided meditation and nature connection practices, we will journey with the four elements and explore all their gifts.
The four elements (Earth, Water, Fire, and Air) can help us to understand ourselves and our connection with nature. They represent different aspects of life and are energy allies that can bring balance into our inner and outer experiences.
When we embody nature, we are free to be who we are and can connect with the deepest and sacred part of ourselves. The workshop wishes to remind us that we are made of nature and can access her power to create at any time. The event intends to facilitate a process of reconnection to a more creative and authentic way of living. 
It wishes to foster our relationship with nature and expand it into a more organic and tangible experience. The natural world will be our guide, compass and mirror. Together with the creative process, it will allow us to journey within and restore our full potential. We will begin our exploration in the studio in St.Margaret’s House but will also spend some time outdoors, weather permitting. Please wear comfortable and warm clothes.


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Image courtesy of Creativeflow Arts

Image courtesy of Creativeflow Arts

Image courtesy of Creativeflow Arts