20-23 August Online
Healing Arts Scotland Online Conference Programme in association
with Arts Culture Health and Wellbeing Scotland
Arts Culture Health and Wellbeing Scotland hosted an online conference programme as part of the Healing Arts Scotland Week, sharing discussions, insights, and provocations from a range of local, national, and international experts.
20 August 12:15 - 13:30 | The Role of Culture in Health - Trauma, Conflict and Displacement - As many people are affected by traumatic events we discussed how arts and culture play a powerful role and the health and wellbeing impacts on those involved
21 August 14:45 - 16:00 | Can Creative and Cultural Engagement Transform our Brain? - We explored impact of creative engagement in the body, brain, and behaviours, to improve and support the lives of people with neurological and other long term health conditions
23 August 10:00 - 11:15 | The Future of Social Prescribing- We took a look at the future of Social Prescribing and the role of culture has to play with a panel of experts offering local, national and international perspectives
23 August 12:00 - 13:00 | What the Research Tells Us - We took a look at why culture plays such an important part in our health and wellbeing and discuss recent ground breaking national and international research
23 August 14:00 - 15:15 | Nurturing Healthy Island Communities through Culture - We explored how different island communities across Scotland are mobilising and embedding local community-based cultural assets to improve health and wellbeing
Sangeeta Isvaran, Wind Dancers Trust, Christopher Bailey, Arts and Health Lead at the World Health Organization, David Leventhal, Mark Morris Dance and Dance for PD®, Alison Leitch, Scottish Social Prescribing Network, Dr Bogdan Chiva Giurca, National Academy for Social Prescribing, Dr Jill Sonke, Center for Arts in Medicine at the University of Florida and Dr Daisy Fancourt, University College London.
Arts Culture Health and Wellbeing Scotland is a national network linking together, advocating for and supporting those working at the interface of arts, culture, health and wellbeing in Scotland to ensure Culture is recognised as transformative to health and wellbeing and accessible to everyone in Scotland.
To find out more visit www.achws.org